Tripping down the highway

Tripping down the highway

Bright sunny day. Books on tape. What a surprise to see this flag grow and grow as we went down the highway. Had to stop. There are a cannon, a few plaques, and a small cemetery, plus a little tiny town. Don’t even remember exactly where we were, just that this was such a surprise we backtracked to see it.

We forgot to take pictures documenting where. Anybody recognize this?

Belgium Cathedral of LEDs

I’ve been attempting to link to the amazing cathedral in Belgium made from LEDs, but WordPress won’t do it. So, I’m making this work-a-round because it’s inspiring and worth spending a little time to watch. Here’s a URL you might be able to use:
If not, make a search for this cathedral, scroll to the video (usually the bottom graphic), fire it up and prepare to be delighted.